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The Postgraduate School for Sciences, Technology and Geosciences (CRFD / STG) is an institution of the University of Yaoundé 1 created in 2013 by decree of the Minister of Higher Education with goals to professionalize, modernize and enhance research works and to help PhD students develop skills and build their professional projects. It is responsible for the supervision and training of Master II and Ph.D. students. The CRFD/STG is headed by a coordinator who is under the authority of the Rector of Yaoundé I University.

The organ for consultation and validation of important scientific and administrative files of the CRFD / STG is the Scientific and Pedagogic Council of the Center, whose members, 23 in number are appointed by decision of the Rector of the University of Yaoundé I. The board meets when convened by the Coordinator of the CRFD/STG whenever the latter deems it necessary.

The consultation and validation authority for important scientific and administrative files of the CRFD / STG is the Scientific and Pedagogical Council of the Center, a Council whose members, (23) are appointed by decision of the Rector of the University of Yaoundé I. The board meets when convened by the Coordinator of the postgraduate school for science technology and geosciences (CRFD/STG) whenever the latter deems it necessary.
A PhD can be pursued in one of the Postgraduate Research and Training Units (URFD) which each hosts one or more research laboratories.

The CRFD / STG has under its authority five (5) Research and Training Units each headed by a Coordinator. Each unit as a number of laboratories managed by research teams.
First steps

The school (with the help of its Scientific and Pedagogical Council) has started the supervision and training of master II and Doctorat/ Ph.D students with the following activities:

  • Setting up an authorization request evaluation procedure for a thesis defense in 8 steps.
  • Documents required for a thesis defense authorization request
  • Documents to be provided for enrollment in Master II and Doctorat / PhD
  • Preparation of a courses and evaluations schedule for the 2013/2014 academic year with the deadline for end of lectures and evaluations on April 28, 2014, the objective being to do everything to stop the overlap of academic years and to align with international programs as of October 2014.

Le CRFD / STG est composé de cinq unités de recherche et de formation dirigées chacune par un coordinateur. Chaque unité dispose de plusieurs laboratoires gérés par des équipes de recherche



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