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The Postgraduate Training and Research Units with each Unit for Chemistry and Applications (URFD_CA)

The URFD-CA is one of the four (04) units of the Postgraduate School for Science, Technology and Geosciences (CRFD-STG)

This unit is made of researchers in the domains of Chemistry organized in laboratories and research Teams at the University of Yaounde 1. The staff members of this unit are located in the faculty of Science; the Higher School Teacher Training College (ENS); the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (FMSB) and the Advance School of Engineering.

The unit is responsible Master and Doctorate training in Chemistry. Two main options are identified: Organic and Inorganic Chemistry. The specialties include Physical and Analytical Chemistry; Computational Chemistry; Chemistry of Inorganic Materials; Chemistry of the Environment and bio resources; Natural Products research; pharmaceutical chemistry; Drugs Design..
Registration for Master's or Doctorate is subject to selection.

To be eligible for selection in the second year of Master's, the candidate must be a holder of a Bachelors degree in Chemistry or related fields having completed the first year of master's with a Cumulative Point grade of at least 2.4 /4. For a PhD, the candidate must be holder of a Master's degree with a cumulative point grade of at least 2.4/4.

The actual registration for Master and PhD selection starts online at
The capacity of the unit is limited to the allocated places per Lecturer / researcher member of the unit, as provided by the provision of the ministerial order N° 18-00617/MINESUP/SG/DAJ of the 30 July 2018.

During the doctorate training, the PhD candidate must participate to the DOCTORIALES (PhD student Seminar) that are organized yearly. This seminars are mandatory and are essential for student training in scientific communication.

The training duration for a PhD is three year. Each selected candidate must registrar each year at the CRTD-STG. After five (05) years, the registration is only possible through a special authorization by the Rector.

The main personalities involved within the URFD_CA are:
The Unit Coordinator: Professor NDIFON Peter TEKE
Head of Department of Organic Chemistry: Pr. Nkengfack Augustin E
Head of Department of Inorganic Chemistry: Pr. NDIFON Peter TEKE

Le CRFD / STG est composé de cinq unités de recherche et de formation dirigées chacune par un coordinateur. Chaque unité dispose de plusieurs laboratoires gérés par des équipes de recherche



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