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Doctorat/ Ph.D within the UFRD-SIA and URFD-MIBA henceforth takes place at three levels: first year of Doctorate D1, second year of Doctorate D2 and third year of D3 doctorate, grouped into two phases. It lasts 3 years and a fourth year can be granted following a request addressed to the Rector of the University of Yaoundé I. Beyond 4 years, a special exemption from the Rector of the University of Yaoundé I is required , authorizing the continuation or defense of the thesis.

The training leading to Doctorat/PhD certification comprises 180 credits. It takes place in two phases divided as follows:

First phase of 60 credits

This first phase includes practically the first two years of doctorate D1 and D2.

The first year of the doctorate D1 is divided into three semesters during which three modules are taught:

  • Research Methodology courses comprising two Teaching Units for a total of 12 credits
  • Theoretical courses comprising two teaching units for a total of 12 credits
  • Doctoral seminars comprising 3 seminars of 6 credits per doctoral student, for a total of 18 credits

The student can then begin the second year of doctorate D2, consisting of the general comprehensive examination and attendance at seminars and conferences.

  • A general comprehensive examination is organized in the first semester of the second year, comprising 3 teaching units of 6 credits each, for a total of 18 credits
  • Papers and lectures presented either by higher rank lecturers, or by company managers, or by any resource person. The presence of doctoral students is compulsory.
  • Work progress report presented by doctoral students to a jury during doctoral meetings.

In all cases, the doctoral student is required to participate effectively in at least two doctoral seminars each year.
We therefore have for this first phase a total of 60 credits.
After validation of this first phase, the doctoral student is authorized to continue the second phase.
Second phase of 120 credits
This phase comprises 2 semesters with mainly:

  • In the first semester, the final drafting of the results obtained in the form of a thesis document.
  • In the second semester, the presentation in the form of an exposé presentation of thesis work to a restricted jury of the Laboratory in the presence of his thesis directors.
  • Submission of the thesis defense request file.
  • Defense of the doctorat /Ph.D thesis

The CRFD/STG is made up of five research and training units each headed by a coordinator. Each unit has a number of laboratories managed by research teams



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