Contact us now: (+237) 243 312 288
  1. Pay the pre-enrollment fee (10,000 FCFA) to MTN Mobile Money, Express Union or United Bank of Africa ( for candidates registering for the first time Only)
  2. Go to the website: University of Yaoundé I
  3. Click on the Postgraduate Training and Research Unit (URFD) of your choice
  4. Then click on << create my application >> then, and enter your identifying information
  5. Check the information and save by clicking on the <> button
  6. After validation, print the form obtained on the screen with its identifier
  7. Then go to the Postgraduate Training and Research Units with each Unit (URFD) of your choice with the following documents for the submission of the physical file
  • a self-addressed stamped envelope
  • An online printed sheet
  • A certified photocopy of the birth certificate
  • A certified copy of Bachelors degree
  • Master 1 transcript
  • A certified true copy of Master 2 degree or Doctorate in Medicine, Pharmacy or Odontostomatology or engineering diploma
  • a Curriculum Vitae
  • Master's 2 transcript for enrollment into Doctorat/Phd
  • A letter of recommendation signed by a Professor of higher rank from former University
  • A thesis project approved by the Director and not exceeding 10 pages in length
  • Proof of funding of the thesis duly validated by supervisor(s).
  • Any other document that may shed light on your academic and professional career.
  • A payment receipt of 10,000 francs issued by Express Union, UBA or MTN Mobile Money, representing the pre-registration fee for newcomers.


  • Pay the student card issuance fee to UBA agents (for applicants who do not yet have a student card as required)
  • absolutely make sure that the physical file is validated at the chosen Center (for those new to UY I)
  • The CRFD/STG is made up of five research and training units each headed by a coordinator. Each unit has a number of laboratories managed by research teams



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